- Notes on Covalent Bonding
- Worksheet A#40
Integrated Science
- How Marijuana Works: Class Reading & Notebook Questions
- NOTE: If you were not able to copy the questions in your notebook today,
answer the following questions in your notebook. I will check for your completion
of this assignment on Monday.
What is the most active ingredient in marijuana?
What type of memory does it affect?
What else is affected in the user’s body?
What is the plant that marijuana comes from?
What country did this plant originally come from?
How high does marijuana grow?
How is hashish made?
What are the majority of chemicals (60 of 140) in
marijuana called?
What is the chemical name of THC?
10) What is the fastest way to get
THC into the user’s
11) Explain how THC is transferred
from the lungs to the bloodstream.
12) Explain how THC enters the body
when eaten.
13) How long does it take for THC
to reach the brain after it is inhaled?
14) What are some positive
experiences users have had with marijuana?
15) What are some negative
experiences that users may have
had with marijuana?
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