
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday, March 12th, 2019


-  Review: Refraction & Total Internal Reflection Worksheet
-  OPTICS Exam on Chapters 13 & 14 Tomorrow


-  Review: Refraction & Total Internal Reflection Worksheet
-  OPTICS Exam on Chapters 13 & 14 Tomorrow


-  Notes on Unit 8: Gases (Schoology)
-  Sections 8.1,8.2,8.5
-  Homework 8.1: q.1-4,7 (p.480)


-  Notes on Gas Laws: Boyle's
-  Homework #20: q.2,4,7 (p.480)
-  Print Boyle's Law Worksheet for Tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Emily Salvador ( per. 2)
    I learned that a manometer is used to measure pressure, we measure pressure in kilopascals, torr, mmHg, and atmospheres. I also learned that the average pressure of air at sea level is 101.325 kilopascals.


Please write up to three important fundamental "takeaways" you learned from the lesson of the day
(+10 extra credit/ point)
You may also write any questions you have about the lesson for the day (+ 5 extra credit/ question)
Make sure to write your "full name" and period so I can add the points to your grade. All fundamental "takeaways" and questions are due by midnight on the immediate Sunday following that week's lessons. (For example if a lesson was taught on Friday, you have two days left to leave a comment)