
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Thursday, May 9th, 2019


-  Exam on Electricity


-  Take-Home Exam: Power & Ohm's Law


-  Exam on Equilibirum/Le Chatelier's Principle


-  Notes on Acids & Bases/Arrhenius' Acid
-  Homework #34: q.1-10, p.589

1 comment:

  1. I learned that when acid is on litmus paper it will turn red

    I learned that when bases are on litmus paper, they will turn blue

    I learned that acids have low pH

    I learned that bases have high pH

    -Serge Grigoryan Period 3


Please write up to three important fundamental "takeaways" you learned from the lesson of the day
(+10 extra credit/ point)
You may also write any questions you have about the lesson for the day (+ 5 extra credit/ question)
Make sure to write your "full name" and period so I can add the points to your grade. All fundamental "takeaways" and questions are due by midnight on the immediate Sunday following that week's lessons. (For example if a lesson was taught on Friday, you have two days left to leave a comment)