
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thursday, August 29th, 2019


-  Homework #7: "Problem Set #4" (Online)
-  Test on Tuesday, 9/3


-  Homework: "Math of Physics Worksheet 1D" (Online)
-  Test on Tuesday, 9/3


  1. Where can we find the online homework to print

  2. Look on folder to your right on this website (either Chemistry or Honors Physics). Search for assignment in folder (all assignments are in alphabetical order). Click on assignment and download. Once downloaded, select the file and print.


Please write up to three important fundamental "takeaways" you learned from the lesson of the day
(+10 extra credit/ point)
You may also write any questions you have about the lesson for the day (+ 5 extra credit/ question)
Make sure to write your "full name" and period so I can add the points to your grade. All fundamental "takeaways" and questions are due by midnight on the immediate Sunday following that week's lessons. (For example if a lesson was taught on Friday, you have two days left to leave a comment)